The Best Way to Lubricate Mechanical Keyboard Switches

Are you looking to enhance the performance of your mechanical keyboard? One key aspect to consider is the lubrication of the switches. Properly lubricating your switches can improve their feel, reduce friction, and extend their lifespan. In this blog post, we will explore the steps to effectively lube the switches for mechanical keyboards.

What materials do you need?

Before you begin the lubrication process, gather the necessary materials. You will need a lubricant specifically designed for mechanical switches, a switch opener tool, a brush for applying the lubricant, and a cleaning cloth to wipe off any excess lubricant.

How do you lube the switches?

Start by carefully removing the keycaps from your keyboard using the switch opener tool. Once the keycaps are removed, access the switches underneath. Apply a small amount of lubricant to the brush and gently coat the moving parts of the switch. Be sure not to over-lubricate, as this can affect the switch's performance.

After applying the lubricant, gently press the switch several times to evenly distribute the lubricant. Wipe off any excess lubricant with a cleaning cloth. Once you have lubricated all the switches, reattach the keycaps to your keyboard.

What are the benefits of lubing switches?

Lubricating the switches on your mechanical keyboard can provide several benefits. It can reduce the noise produced by the switches, create a smoother typing experience, and prevent premature wear and tear on the switches. Additionally, lubricated switches can improve the overall feel and responsiveness of your keyboard.

How often should you lube your switches?

The frequency of lubricating your switches will depend on your usage and personal preference. Some users may choose to lube their switches every few months, while others may opt to do it less frequently. It is essential to monitor the performance of your keyboard and reapply lubricant as needed to maintain optimal performance.

By following these steps to lube the switches for your mechanical keyboard, you can enhance its performance and enjoy a more comfortable typing experience. Remember to use the appropriate materials and take care when applying the lubricant to ensure the longevity of your keyboard switches.

Are you looking to enhance the performance of your mechanical keyboard? One key aspect to consider is the lubrication of the switches. Properly lubricating the switches can improve the overall feel and sound of your keyboard, as well as increase its longevity. In this blog post, we will explore the process of lubing mechanical keyboard switches to help you achieve optimal typing experience.

What is switch lubrication?

Switch lubrication involves applying a thin layer of lubricant to the moving parts of the mechanical switches. This lubricant helps reduce friction between the components, resulting in smoother key presses and a quieter typing experience. It can also prevent wear and tear on the switches, prolonging the lifespan of your keyboard.

Why should you lube your switches?

By lubricating your switches, you can significantly improve the overall typing experience. Lubed switches feel smoother to press, reduce the amount of noise produced during typing, and can even make your keyboard more responsive. Additionally, switch lubrication can prevent the switches from developing a scratchy or gritty feel over time.

How to lube your switches

1. Disassemble your keyboard: Carefully remove the keycaps and open up the keyboard to access the switches.

2. Apply lubricant: Using a small brush or applicator, apply a thin layer of lubricant to the moving parts of the switches. Be sure to use a lubricant specifically designed for mechanical switches.

3. Reassemble the keyboard: Once you have lubricated all the switches, reassemble the keyboard by putting the keycaps back on and closing up the keyboard casing.

4. Test the switches: Before using your keyboard, test the switches to ensure that they feel smooth and responsive. Make any necessary adjustments to the lubrication if needed.


Lubricating the switches of your mechanical keyboard is a simple yet effective way to enhance its performance and longevity. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can enjoy a smoother, quieter typing experience and prolong the lifespan of your beloved keyboard. Give switch lubrication a try and experience the difference for yourself!

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